The developers are constantly making efforts to make this Pandora app better and the best for its active users. The personalized music gives this application an edge over the other apps available from the online stores. A well-known streamlining feature launched Browser feature in this app. This feature allows its users to discover new songs, artists, and stations of his or her interest.
This Browse feature provides its users the option of selecting Pandora stations based on music that the listener listened to previously and his rating favoring or unfavoring the song or music played.
Before launching the Browse feature, this app could find specific songs and artist only but now the user is free to select stations based on artist, genre, and even the listener’s mood.
The listener can see the song being playing on the particular station before adding it actually to his or her list.
Browse feature is available only for the iOS devices in the US, Australia, and New Zealand. Its compatibility with the Android version is expected soon.